Science and Medicines describe phobia as an irrational fear of a specific situation, activity or object. The phobia compels the sufferer to avoid whatever is feared because with it comes some of these following symptoms:
1. Anxiety
2. Rapid heartbeat
4. Hot or cold flashes
5. Choking
6. Shaking
7. Dizziness, faintness
8.the need to flee the situation
9.Panic Attack
Children may express their anxiety by a) crying b) Clinging c) tantrums d) freezing in place.
Helpful tips in controlling your child's phobia
1. Teach your child to learn some simple relaxation techniques such as breathing exercise. This will help them to have control over the physical symptoms of his phobia. Teach him to learn controlled breathing. This controlled breathing is done by taking a few deep breaths and hold each one to the count of 3, they exhale slowly to the count of 3. This controlled breathing helps your child to restore normal breathing, slow his pulse and remedy his dizziness or shakiness.
Tension or stiffening can be lessen by doing tension control. This can be done by teaching your child how to relax by relaxing each muscles group like the arms, legs, neck , shoulders until the tension subside. Teach him to practice this by simply thinking about relaxing these muscles.
If your child has a phobia of speaking in public, let him enroll in a public speaking class. If he is afraid of flying objects, let him enroll in a course that help him conquer the fear.
See and consult a professional to help your child deal his phobia.
Most phobia are developed during childhood and as much as possible this phobia must be controlled in younger years to avoid further damage in adults life.
Here are some of the known phobia that may develop in early years
1. Acrophobia or fear of heights
2. Aracheophobia or fear of spiders
3. Asterophobia or fear of thunder
4. Ceraunophobia or fear of lightning
5.Claustrophobia or fear of enclosed spaces
6.Mysophobia or fear of dirt, germs
7.Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes
8.Nyctophobia or fear of darkness
9 .Pyrophobia or fear of fire
10. Xenophobia or fear of foreigners or strangers
11. Zoophobia or fear of animals
It is best to let your child know that he's not sick but what he's feeling can be abated and eventually controlled. Your care and support will make the control much faster and effective.