Monday, November 26, 2012

Colds and Hygiene

 It is common for an average healthy person to get cold twice or thrice colds incidents a year and although they are not a serious condition, they can still weaken our immune system. However there are plenty of ways to get rid and prevent colds and the most simple is hand washing.

Washing your hands as often as possible shields you from the colds virus and germs that can caused respiratory illness. Make it a habit to wash your hand twice as one hand washing has little effects on germs and bacteria that take hold in your hands. Use anti bacteria soap if possible.

If hand washing is not possible use  hand sanitizer. Use it to clean your hands and to keep off germs and bacteria that can be passed from hand-to hand or hand-to object contact. However recent studies shows that plain hand sanitizer can only keep off harmful bacteria and germs for a few hours and you need to frequently apply it on your hands to keep if germs free. Try to use hands shield that has 24 hours protection  to keep your hands truly protected.

A new product called Hygiene 24 hand Shield can do the job and gives your hands real protection from germs and bacteria. It  is more  economical as you will only have to apply it on your hands once. If you  want more information about Hygiene 24 , you can visit and enrich your self with  more hygienic information.

Catching colds is easy when you are least protected.  And nothing beats good  hygiene as an effective colds prevention.

Monday, July 16, 2012

$200 Amazon Blast!

Hello Mommies! Here's a nice treat for all of us: A Giveaway Blast! Read more below on how to join and who knows you might be the lucky winner!

A brand new giveaway is now open for all our valued readers! Get a chance to win $200 Amazon Gift Card. Only one lucky winner will be chosen on August 15, 2012. (Insert additional verbiage.)
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

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Have trouble finding tickets for San Diego, San Francisco, and West Hollywood concert, sports and theater tickets? Why not buy them online? has concet sports and theater tickets for San Diego California and San Francisco as well as West Hollywood seating.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blogger Opportunity: Free Sign Up $200 Amazon Blast Giveaway!

I Heart Giveaways is planning a giveaway event: $200 Amazon Blast and all bloggers world wide are free to join.

Event Details:

- The giveaway will go live on July 15, 2012
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- Prize: $200 Amazon Gift Card *1 winner*

Sign Up Fee & Info:

- NO COST for the first link (Facebook Page only)
- To participate, share this free event on your site and complete the form at I Heart Giveaways.
- If you would like to include more links (Twitter, Pinterest, Votes, etc.) for this giveaway, then please send the fee to via Paypal. Each additional link will cost $3.

Interested? For more details about the event check out:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Teach your Children What Holy Week Is.

A Scene from a Senaculo- A dramatization Of Christ's Passion

I was surprised to hear from a group of school children discussing how their family is going to spend the Holy Week. The Philippines being a Catholic country celebrates the Lent Season and has so many traditional Filipino ways of remembering the Passion Of Christ. But through the years, many young families today have changed their ways of celebrating the Lent Season. Gone are the Visita Iglesia, the Caridad (Charity done during Thursday Maunday by giving free soups or "Ginatan" ( Filipino delicacy made of sweet tubers boiled in coconut cream). Many Young family instead of Doing a Pabasa,  would planned for their beach Holiday or excursions. Those who have money to burn even go out of  the country and  spend holidaying in Singapore or Hongkong and  even Macau.

Many of young people see the "Senaculo " and the "Penitiencia" as tourist atrraction and have forgotten the real meaning of these dramatization of Christ's Passion.  Many go to church to attend the "Salubong" on the dawn of Eastern Sunday woithoiut even knowing what it is all about and what is the story behind the "unveiling " of the Virgin Mary in the "Salubong" tradition. Many young parents have forgotten to teach their children about the great faith that is behind all of these traditional Lent Celebration. All that they care is the Egg-hunting in the Malls and other places of entertainment which is never a part of Philippine Culture and only one of the Western influences on us.

It is such as pity to hear young people to say that the old Filipino Holy Week Tradition is outdated and must be forgotten. It is our role as parents to show them the right ways to celebrate the Lent Season. We can't impose things on them but telling and letting them know our cultures and traditions would make them know the importance of culture and tradition in nation's building. We may have varied religious belief but respecting the culture and the tradition would make our next in line generation know that a great nation becomes great because of its people who respect its culture and tradition.

We can teach the Passion of Christ even without any religious touches. Making them remember that Holy Week is a time for the family to review our faith  in God is enough to teach them what Holy Week really is.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Parenting tools:Punishment, reward and incentives (part 1)

punishment as a tool for disciplining a child

As parents we oftentime used these three tools in  disciplining our kids. These tools are rewards, puishment and incentives which are distinct from one to another but plays important role in teaching our children the importance of discipline.

Reward is something extra parents give in to bribe  children to change behavior while punishment is enforced when the child misbehave. The two tools are used by dictators parents to enforce their orders. Children are put in line of doing what parents want them to do with a promise of rewards and punishment when they misbehave or go against what is expected of them. Although these tools have been proven effective thrugh the years, in the present society where equality is supreme, these tools seem to be more of a distracting tools than constractive when used in disciplining children.

In our days when every child has his own right, rewards and punishment may not work. But what should be done to enforce discipline ? This is where incentives take as the better tools. Incentives is built into the consequences and is connected to events. While events are  enforced, incentives let children have a choice. It gives children their right to assess the events and what to do in order to improve their behavior.

Punishment may work in the short run  but when children are under the htreat of punishment, it may not be effective in the long run. It is like hurting someone and giving hinm the unspoken right to hurt back someone.

Disciplining using incentives is explaining the consequences of the events to a child and about the negative behavior associated with it. This will help him understand what change is expected from him. It imay  not  be easy but clear information and communition can help.

Explaining to a child that his right of choice bears logical consequences and incentives motivate him to make his choice positively. This can make him start a change that is more attractive to him. which is more likely to be towards a positive behavior.

Next : The dangers of incentives turning to  punishments

Friday, March 2, 2012

Self care tips for eye strain caused by prolong computer use

long use of computer  can cause eyestrain to yourchildren

Technology has brought many liberation to our life and children today learn more using the computer. But prolong use of comouter may cause eye strain and here are some of the self care tips that may help reducing if not eliminating eye strain from computer.

  • Place the screen so that your line of sight is 10 to 15 degree below the horizontal. This is also for laptops.
  • Dust the screen often.
  • Reduce the glare. Position the screen at right angle to the source of light . Turn off or shield overhead light. You can ask your child to wear visor to block the overhead lights if necessary.
  • Remind your child to blink often. This will keep eyes from getting dry. You can use "artificial tear" if necessary.
  • If the image on the screen is blurred, dull or flicker, have it serviced right away.
  • Try to keep the screen from your child's eyes 2 feet away.

You can protect your child's eyes from gettig strain following these simple self-care tips. remember that poor lighting increased the possibility of straining the eyes when using the computer. As much as possible provide good lighting for your child's computer table.

For your eye care and need, visit  Firmoo Optical They rivide prescription eyeglass and sunglasses for your eye care and needs.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The purpose of parenting

It's the duty of parents to take care of their children

Like any career, parenting has a purpose. Mothers would agree with me that the main purpose is to protect our children and to prepare them how to survive and thrive in the society where they live. Things are different when we are growing up as it is now dangerous to raise children in the kind of society we live in.

Drugs are now easily find and teenagers are more harmful than ever. Crimes against children are everywhere as well as crimes committed by children. Violence in schools are getting more alarming plus the rising  risks of terrorism are  a valid reason for concern.Not to forget that sex now is life threatening.

With all of these, we tend to overprotect our children rather than prepare them to thrive on their own. Remember that part of our purpose as a parent is to prepare them so that they will survive. We must bear in mind that our job is to work out of the job which means preparing our children on the path of being independent and on their own.

To help us achieve our goals,here are three ways to help us to do it :

1.Discuss and talk with other parents to find out  what risks are reasonable for your children to take  in your command. This means that asking  for example what age they should be left home alone and where it is safe for them to play. You'll get ideas from other parents who have been successful in this areas.

2.Joint in parents associations, parents support groups and other organizations. Work within your community to make it a better place to rear your children.

3.Allow your children to develop independence gradually.We all know that children undergo different stages of development, appropriate behavior at one age may not be appropriate at another. You can read books to know what to expect at these different stages of development. You can also tap school authorities to help you.

Parenting is may not be an easy task but if we as parents know its real purpose, it can be the most rewarding jobs we'll ever have. We choose to be parents, we must sincerely live up to that choice!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

OSAP 's 10 Roles Parents Can Play In Preventing Problems With Drugs, Sexuality and Violence

Don't blow up, don't give up, you're not 

Parents play important roles in the prevention of problems with drugs, violence and sexuality. The Office of Substance Abuse (OSAP) has released an information campaign poster in educating parents of the roles they have to play in prevention of substance abuse that  tends to sex and violence. I am reproducing the printer poster in the form of a blog post for parents who are always tuned online.

10 Roles Parents Can Play In Preventing Problems with Drugs, Sexuality and Violence

1. Parents as role model- Be a positive role model. Children learn by example.

2. Parents are educators and information resources- Be informed about drugs, sexuality and violence and talk with your child.

3. Parents as policy makers and rule setters-Make rules and enforce them. "No use of illegal drugs in the family and no use of alcohol and nicotine by anyone under the legal age".

4.Parents as stimulators- Encourage your child to take part in hobbies,school activities and sports.Get involved,plan fun family activities.

5.Parents as consultants and educators on peer pressure-"Just say no is easier said than done. Teach your child to resist peer pressure without feeling foolish.

6.Parents as monitors and supervisors- Set and enforce curfews; know where your children are.

7. Parents as collaborators with other parents- Join with other parents to gain support and new ideas. There's strength in numbers.

8. parents as identifiers and confronters- Know how to identify drugs use and other problems and confront your child when necessary.

9. Parents as managers of children's healthy- Don't delay-seek medical help if you suspect your child is engaged in unhealthy behavior.

10. Parents as managers of their own feelings- Don't blow up; don't give up, you're not guilty

It may look little and insignificant knowing these 10 roles but no matter how little or insignificant, the fact is as a parent you play roles in saving the future of your children.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Get ready for Cornell Big Red, Creighton Bluejays and CSU Bakersfield

Fans of the Cornell Big red, Creighton Bluejays and CSU Bakersfield basketball and football can now avail their ticket to cheer for their favorite respectively teams. has university tickets and seating charts for Cornell Big Red, Creighton Bluejays and CSU Bakersfield and football seats for all games played.You can directly buy your ticket and reserve your seat.Don't miss the fun and excitement of cheering for your teams and let the drums keeps on beating until the real champ brings home the bacon.

For your tickets details click the following link and start getting ready to cheer for your team:
cornell big red tickets
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csu bakersfield roadrunners tickets has university tickets and seating charts for the Cornell Big Red, Creighton Bluejays and CSU Bakersfield basketball and football seats for all games played.

Skin rashes and your child's allergies

The skin is the first area of the body to react when  exposed to something you or your child is allergic to. You have to ask the following question in order for you to evaluate how severe the allergic reaction is.
1. Is your child having a lot of trouble swallowing or breathing especially when sneezing or his tongue swollen?
2. Does your child have the following associated with the rushes?
  a. Fever
  b. Sore throat
  c.The rush is across the cheeks and forehead and of butterfly shaped
  d.Rush is fine,red one that feels rough like sandpaper
  e.Joint pain
Following these simple assessment guide will also help you know if the rushes are symptoms or associated with a certain disease:
 # If there are any large fluid-filled blister present or is there pus or swelling around the rash
# Have your child been recently exposed to someone with strep infection?
# If your child has a diaper rush, is the rush bleeding or are there open, weeping sores?
.# Have your child already had the chicken pox and if your child has a rash of painful blister on one side of the body?
#When the rash getting started ,was your child taking a new medication or was stung by an insect?

After your assessment you child skin rashes the following self care tips might help alleviate the irritation and the pain.
1, Give your child a cool bath without soap every couple of hours
2.let the skin air dry
3.Have your child stay in cool area
4. Apply calamine (not caladryl) lotion to the itchy areas
5.Put starch in body creases
6.Avoid using cream or ointment that might block skin pores

For diaper rash these tips might help

Change the diaper as soon as they get wet or soiled even if you have to wake at night to avoid rashes to get extensive. You have to ash your baby with plenty of warm water and avoid using wipes. If the rashes appear irritated, you can apply a light coat of zinc oxide ointment only after the skin get dry.It best to keep your baby's skin exposed to air to keep it dry and before putting on the diaper, have your baby
s bottom naked for a few minutes on a soft fluffy towel for at least 5 to 10 minutes.Choose a diaper that allows air circulation and with loose leg bands.If you can,punch a hole in your disposable diaper to allow air to come in. Avoid using plastic pants until the rash is gone.If you are using cloth diaper, wash it with mild soap and rise in water with vinegar to remove any soap's residue left .

If the rash gets worse and self tips do not help, it's time to see your child doctor.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Facts about Children's Phobia

Science and Medicines describe phobia as an irrational fear of a specific situation, activity or object. The phobia compels the sufferer to avoid whatever is feared because with it comes some of these following symptoms:

1. Anxiety
2. Rapid heartbeat
4. Hot or cold flashes
5. Choking
6. Shaking
7. Dizziness, faintness
8.the need to flee the situation
9.Panic Attack

Children may express their anxiety by a) crying b) Clinging c) tantrums d) freezing in place.
Helpful tips in controlling your child's phobia
1. Teach your child to learn some simple relaxation techniques such as breathing exercise. This will help them to have control over the physical symptoms of his phobia. Teach him to learn controlled breathing. This controlled breathing is done by taking a few deep breaths and hold each one to the count of 3, they exhale slowly to the count of 3. This controlled breathing helps your child to restore normal breathing, slow his pulse and remedy his dizziness or shakiness.

Tension or stiffening can be lessen by doing tension control. This can be done by teaching your child how to relax by relaxing each muscles group like the arms, legs, neck , shoulders until the tension subside. Teach him to practice this by simply thinking  about relaxing these muscles.

If your child has a phobia of speaking in public, let him enroll in a public speaking class. If he is afraid of flying objects, let him enroll in a course that help him conquer the fear. 

See and consult a professional to help your child deal his phobia.
Most phobia are developed during childhood and as much as possible this phobia must be controlled in younger years to avoid further damage in adults life.

Here are some of the known phobia that may develop in early years
1. Acrophobia or fear of heights
2. Aracheophobia or fear of spiders
3. Asterophobia or fear of thunder
4. Ceraunophobia or fear of lightning
5.Claustrophobia or fear of enclosed spaces
6.Mysophobia or fear of dirt, germs
7.Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes
8.Nyctophobia or fear of darkness
9 .Pyrophobia or fear of fire
10. Xenophobia or fear of foreigners or strangers
11. Zoophobia or fear of animals

It is best to let your child know that he's not sick but what he's feeling can be abated and eventually controlled. Your care and support will make the control much faster and effective.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Diseases Brought by the cold seasons-Part III-Frostbite and Frostnips

Give your child proper body coverings when exposed to colds

Frostbite may look like an ordinary heat burn but it is actually some body tissues frozen and in severe cases "dead" caused by below zero temperature.Most often frostbite affect the toes, fingers, earlobes, chin and the tip of the nose.

Frostbite can be prevented by layering your clothes rather than wearing bulky clothing. Thin layers of clothing gives more warmth as thin layers of clothing create air spaces that trap body temperature close to the skin and act as insulation for the body against cold. It is also good to have your child wear 2 or 3 pairs of thin socks than the bulky one.

Lessen your alcohol intake and don't smoke. Alcohol causes the body to lose heat quickly smoking slows down blood circulation. to the extremities.

Stay indoors as much as possible when it is very cold and windy.When your child have to go out, shield his face and other parts that can be exposed to cold and the wind.

When your child have been exposed to cold temperature, check for the following:

1. Skin that swells and feels hard and solid
2. Loss of function and absence of pain when pinched hard
3.Skin color changing from white to red to purple
4.presence of blisters
5. Slurred speech and
6. confusion

When all of these are present  the following self care tips may help.

1.If the your child does not respond, do the CPR
2. Get him out of the cold and into a warmer place
3.Remove wet clothing and tight clothing
4.Warm the affected area by soaking it a tub of warm water and antiseptic. Water temperature should be between 101 and 104 Fahrenheit.
5.Don't rub it with snow or soak it in cold water
6.Stop the soaking when the are becomes red(soaking should be 45 minutes and when done too fast, thawing may be painful and blister may appear.
7.If warm water is not available,put the frozen part in warm blanket or in warm body parts such as under the armpit and abdomen
 8. Keep the affected area elevated but properly protected
9.Never rub or massage frostbitten areas
10.Don't break blister.

If the symptoms persist, call for help and seek medical assistance.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Protect your kids from diseases brought by the cold season-part 2- Flu or Influenza

Let your child have plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids

Flu or seasonal influenza comes during fall and winter months or during the wet seasons in tropical areas. Flu affects the nose,throat,breathing tube and the lungs. Flu is caused by certain viruses which varies each year. It is picked up by hand-to-hand contact of the virus or by breathing in air droplets that contain the virus.

Prevention includes getting a flu vaccine. If your doctor had advised you to have, it is better to do so. This could be your children 's single best protection from catching the virus. You can also ask your doctor for any anti viral medicines that can prevent some strains of flu viruses. Have your children get plenty of rest, eat well and have a daily active activities as their exercise.

Most of the time self-care treats flu. Taking an over-the-counter viral medicine can help minimized the symptoms and make them milder. But refrain from using antibiotics as these will not treat flu viruses.

Symptoms includes sore throat, slight fever, running nose, wet eyes and fatigue

Here's some simple self-care tips to treat Flu

·        Have your child rest and drink plenty of fluids
·        Have him gargle with warm water with 1/4 teaspoon of salt or 1 tablespoon of mouthwash
·        Don't suppressed cough that brings up mucus but instead give your child  over-the-counter cough syrup with guifenesin
·        Tell your child to wash hands often especially after blowing the nose and before handling foods to prevent spreading the virus

But signs such as feeling confused, with little urine, sunken eyes and dry skin that will not spring back after pitching may indicate sings of dehydration and needs doctor's attention.Flu can also lead to some fatal diseases such as Meningitis. It is best to monitor your child's condition often and seek professional help when needed.

Remember that self-care is only done in treating flu with milder symptoms. It is a general rule that when symptoms persist and getting worse, it is time to see and consult your doctor.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Protect your child from common diseases brought by the Cold season

your child may have slight fever when her throat is swollen

The cold season comes with the holiday and with lots of merry-makings your children can be exposed to common diseases brought by the cold season. One of them is Laryngitis which happen when your larynx or voice box is irritated or swollen.

Here are the common signs to look out for laryngitis:

  • Hoarse,husky or weak voice
  • Cough
  • Sometimes there is no pain but most of the time you get sore throat
  • fever
  • difficulty in swallowing

What to do when your child is having laryngitis:

  • Let him rest his voice. Refrain from talking and write notes instead
  • Make your child drink a lot of fluids. Make him drink warm drinks such as weak tea with lemon
  • Make him gargle every few hours with salt water. This can be done by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup warm water
  • Make him seat in the bathroom while running hot water in the shower and let him breathe the moist air
  • Give him cough drops, throat lozenges or hard candy but don't give these on children under 5
  • You may give him over-the -counter medicine for pain as directed on the label

Remember that Laryngitis is caused by irritants like smoke and smug so brace your child from smoke and second hand smoke.Refrain him from straining his voice and stay away from crowded places to avoid viral and bacterial infections.

The cold season is one of the most anticipated season of the year but if you are not careful, it may bring diseases associated with it. So the best thing to do is to have protection and stay away from getting infected.

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