Taking care of your family is a very active undertaking. In order for you to continue doing the task for your family you have to restore yourself. You don't do it in just a day or two but everyday of your life. Although this may sound being selfish, you can't do your best when you are always overwhelmed, exhausted, irritable and burned out. You have to get breaks to do the task with all your best capacity.
You will feel pressured too much of the time when you tend to neglect yourself. This is of course not detrimental to your children and your significant other. You need to have a plan time away from your children to care for yourself and your other relationships. Here are some ways how to take care of yourself as the caregiver of the family.
Keep your body healthy-Take away for some time daily in your life from children and have a regular exercise. A hot tub bath is also a good way to keep yourself healthy and have a refreshed body and mind. Eat a healthy diet but do not "diet". Take coffee and alcohol in moderation and have a restful sleep.
Talk and visit other people you know-be sure to talk to your friends, neighbors , spouses and other adults to keep you connected and recharged.
Clear your mind- stay away from the haze that family caring brings. Take time to read, listen to the music or by just lying on your bed with the door shut can do wonders.
Get organized-lack of structure and organization is bad both for the children and the parents. You must have time management to keep up with the pace of parenting. You must have the essential "to do" list everyday. Take time to calendar everybody's activities and reorganize your home.
Decide what you want to do about romance and do it-Don't practice the phrase until the children are all grown-ups. Do what you are supposed to do with your significant relationship. Take time out without the children and have "adults vacation only". This will not only improved your couple's relationship but most your inner self and sensuality.
If your children and significant other have to be taken care of, you have the right too to be taken care of. Start taking care of yourself and you can be the best caregiver for your family.