As parents we all want our kids to be happy or to be in happy mood always. Being happy also means having good disposition and just know how to react positively in any unpleasant situation and environment. To make our kids have a happy mood, we must give them happy foods! Yes,happy foods as these foods are called because they contain and rich in Omega 3 fats ,folic acids , selanium and vitamin B12 . These groups of foods uplift one's mood and keep away stress and depresions. Feed your kids with these "happy "foods and enjoy the benefits. But always apply the rule of moderation!
Here are 5 "happy" foods for your kids as well as for you,dear parents
1.NUTS- nust are power packed with omega 3, selanium and protein. Nuts are also rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps fight off stress. Give your kids a cup of nuts such as cashew nuts, chestnuts or the simple peanuts for snacks and you'll keep him in a happy mood all day.
2.Chocolate- every kid loves chocolates and you can excuse your kids from having a bar or a slice of choco cake or pudding because it has anadamine, a brain chemical that sets up happy moods and fights off stress.
3.Rice, noodles, pasta and breads- don't believe those lies that carbohydrates promotes gloomy fellings. It is the reverse as carbohydrates can increase our serotonin levels which is responsible for making us active and energetic.
4.Beans and Soybeans- the complete food beside eggs and milk. It is a rich source of omega 3 fats, calcuim ,folic acids and protein. It a soluble fibers and can prevent prostate and breast cancer.
5.Broccoli- let you kids eat his green foods such as broccoli which is rich in calcium and folate or folic acids and vitamin B that help in uplifting mood and spirit. It also good in eleminating stress and a good source of antioxidant which is a good cancer fighter.

Make these "happy " foods be part of your kids daily diet. Prepare meals with these "Happy" foods and improve your kid's temperaments.