Monday, November 26, 2012

Colds and Hygiene

 It is common for an average healthy person to get cold twice or thrice colds incidents a year and although they are not a serious condition, they can still weaken our immune system. However there are plenty of ways to get rid and prevent colds and the most simple is hand washing. Washing your hands as often as possible shields you from the colds virus and germs that can caused respiratory illness. Make it a habit to wash your hand twice as one hand washing has little effects on germs and bacteria that take hold in your hands. Use anti bacteria soap if possible. If hand washing is not possible use  hand sanitizer. Use it to clean your hands and to keep off germs and bacteria that can be passed from hand-to hand or hand-to object contact. However recent studies shows that plain hand...

Monday, July 16, 2012

$200 Amazon Blast!

Hello Mommies! Here's a nice treat for all of us: A Giveaway Blast! Read more below on how to join and who knows you might be the lucky winner! A brand new giveaway is now open for all our valued readers! Get a chance to win $200 Amazon Gift Card. Only one lucky winner will be chosen on August 15, 2012. (Insert additional verbiage.) This event would not become possible without the participation of these amazing co-hosts: I Heart Giveaways, Zoes Printable Coupons, My Charmed Mom, Keeping It Simple, Pinay Jade, Fashion In The Forest, Richly Middle Class, Go Momma Coupons, Celebrate Woman Today and More from Mom! This giveaway is open worldwide. There are daily entries so keep on visiting this post to earn the bonuses for more chances of...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

San Diego, San Francisco, and West Hollywood concert, sports and theater tickets

Have trouble finding tickets for San Diego, San Francisco, and West Hollywood concert, sports and theater tickets? Why not buy them online? has concet sports and theater tickets for San Diego California and San Francisco as well as West Hollywood seating. Sponsored Links: san diego tickets san francisco concert tickets west hollywood ticket...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blogger Opportunity: Free Sign Up $200 Amazon Blast Giveaway!

I Heart Giveaways is planning a giveaway event: $200 Amazon Blast and all bloggers world wide are free to join. Event Details:- The giveaway will go live on July 15, 2012- Open Worldwide- Prize: $200 Amazon Gift Card *1 winner*Sign Up Fee & Info:- NO COST for the first link (Facebook Page only)- To participate, share this free event on your site and complete the form at I Heart Giveaways. - If you would like to include more links (Twitter, Pinterest, Votes, etc.) for this giveaway, then please send the fee to via Paypal. Each additional link will cost $3. Interested? For more details about the event check out: ...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Teach your Children What Holy Week Is.

A Scene from a Senaculo- A dramatization Of Christ's Passion I was surprised to hear from a group of school children discussing how their family is going to spend the Holy Week. The Philippines being a Catholic country celebrates the Lent Season and has so many traditional Filipino ways of remembering the Passion Of Christ. But through the years, many young families today have changed their ways of celebrating the Lent Season. Gone are the Visita Iglesia, the Caridad (Charity done during Thursday Maunday by giving free soups or "Ginatan" ( Filipino delicacy made of sweet tubers boiled in coconut cream). Many Young family instead of Doing a Pabasa,  would planned for their beach Holiday...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Parenting tools:Punishment, reward and incentives (part 1)

punishment as a tool for disciplining a child As parents we oftentime used these three tools in  disciplining our kids. These tools are rewards, puishment and incentives which are distinct from one to another but plays important role in teaching our children the importance of discipline. Reward is something extra parents give in to bribe  children to change behavior while punishment is enforced when the child misbehave. The two tools are used by dictators parents to enforce their orders. Children are put in line of doing what parents want them to do with a promise of rewards and punishment when they misbehave or go against what is expected of them. Although these tools have been proven effective thrugh the years, in the present...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Self care tips for eye strain caused by prolong computer use

long use of computer  can cause eyestrain to yourchildren Technology has brought many liberation to our life and children today learn more using the computer. But prolong use of comouter may cause eye strain and here are some of the self care tips that may help reducing if not eliminating eye strain from computer. Place the screen so that your line of sight is 10 to 15 degree below the horizontal. This is also for laptops. Dust the screen often. Reduce the glare. Position the screen at right angle to the source of light . Turn off or shield overhead light. You can ask your child to wear visor to block the overhead lights if necessary. Remind your child to blink often. This will keep eyes from getting dry. You can use "artificial...

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